Is it possible to remove all single quotes from a list of strings in python?


I have 3 lists, yearlist, monthlist and daylist. I'm trying to combine all 3 and add strings between them.

for i in range(0,j):
    singledate = 'datetime(year=' + yearlist[i] + ', month=' + monthlist[i] + ', day=' + daylist[i] + ')'
print singledate
print datelist

This prints singledate as datetime(year=2009, month=01, day=15), but datelist as ['datetime(year=2009, month=02, day=14)', 'datetime(year=2009, month=01, day=15)']

Is it possible to remove all " ' " in datelist? Thanks

Rahul K P

If you are looking for datetime, You don't want to use string, Try something like this,

In [12]: import datetime
In [13]: datelist = [datetime.datetime(yearlist[i],monthlist[i],daylist[i]) for i in range(0,j)]


[datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 14, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 15, 0, 0)]

Collected from the Internet

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