How to do multiple split values from a list of string to an object, blows if there is no string to split


howto do multiple split values from a list of string to an object, Blows if there is no string to split

I want to split this

List<string> CrossReference = new List<string>
         "task #1443; task #1447; task #1444; task #973; rel #33; sprint #815",

First by


then by


I have this class

public class CrossReference
    public long Aid { get; set; }
    public string TaskType { get; set; }

and I have this test

public void splitTest()
    List<string> CrossReference = new List<string>
         "task #1443; task #1447; task #1444; task #973; rel #33; sprint #815",

    foreach (var str in CrossReference)
        var str1 = str.Trim().Split(';')
                    .Select(x => new CrossReference
                        TaskType = (string)x.Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0],
                        Aid = Convert.ToInt64(x.Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]),

The value of str1 in the first run is ok, but in the second run blows up because I don´t have anything to split.

How can I prevent the case that there is no string to split.

Thanks in advance



You can check str is empty or have just white spaces


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