How can I fix NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException

Cocoa Dev

* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '* -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (NSLayoutConstraint)'

I have a very simple app

One view has one button

I Control Click and dragged the button to a second view and selected MODAL

When I run it in the simulator, everything works

When i run it in my iPad running iOS 5.1.1, it crashes with the error above. I have no idea why and there is no code.

Mike Weller

This is occuring because you are using Xcode 4.5 (or previously the beta) which uses "auto layout" by default. Auto layout is only available on iOS 6 so you will get a runtime error on previous iOS versions.

You can fix this by opening your Storyboard, opening the Utilities pane, and disabling the "Use Autolayout" checkbox in the first tab/section:

enter image description here

For regular non-storyboard nibs, select the top-level view to access this option.

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