how do I fill na values when I unstack more than one level at a time


Consider the pd.Series s with pd.MultiIndex mux

lol = [list('aabc'), list('xyyz'), [1, 2, 3, 3]]
mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(lol, names='l1 l2 l3'.split())
s = pd.Series(range(1001, 1005), mux)


l1  l2  l3
a   x   1     1001
    y   2     1002
b   y   3     1003
c   z   3     1004
dtype: int64

According to the documentation for unstack

fill_value : replace NaN with this value if the unstack produces missing values

And when I unstack


l3          1       2       3
l1 l2                        
a  x   1001.0     NaN     NaN
   y      NaN  1002.0     NaN
b  y      NaN     NaN  1003.0
c  z      NaN     NaN  1004.0

I do get NaNs.
So I try fill_value=0


l3        1     2     3
l1 l2                  
a  x   1001     0     0
   y      0  1002     0
b  y      0     0  1003
c  z      0     0  1004

Sure enough, the NaNs were filled with 0.

However, if I want to unstack more that one level at a time.

s.unstack(['l2', 'l3'], fill_value=0)

l2       x       y               z
l3       1       2       3       3
a   1001.0  1002.0     NaN     NaN
b      NaN     NaN  1003.0     NaN
c      NaN     NaN     NaN  1004.0

My fill_value is ignored.

Why? And what is a work around?


Try this:

In [3]: s.unstack(['l2', 'l3']).fillna(0)
l2       x       y               z
l3       1       2       3       3
a   1001.0  1002.0     0.0     0.0
b      0.0     0.0  1003.0     0.0
c      0.0     0.0     0.0  1004.0

Collected from the Internet

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