Showing screen splash with Google App Script


Does anyone know how to show a screen splash in Google App Script?. I want to show a screen splash while I check the rows of a spreadsheet. Thank you.


Create the Splash Screen as an HTML file in the script editor. Under File->New select Html file. Call the file test_HTML and place this inside the file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">

  setTimeout(myFunction, 3000)

  function myFunction() {;

In place the following:

function onEdit(e){

  var splashScreen = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('test_HTML')

      .showModalDialog(splashScreen, 'Dialog title');


In this case on and Edit of the document, the Splash Screen HTML will pop up and display for 3 seconds. You will have to modify this to work with your code, but should give you the basic principal of using the HTML Service as a splash screen.

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