In Rust, how do I concatenate one String with a linefeed and then another String?


I have two variables, each containing a string. I want to concatenate both with a linefeed in between them. How do I do that?

Simon Whitehead

There are a couple of ways.

The nicest I have seen is using the join method on an array:

fn main() {
    let a = "Hello";
    let b = "world";
    let result = [a, b].join("\n");

    print!("{}", result);

Depending on your use case you might also prefer more control:

fn main() {
    let a = "Hello";
    let b = "world";
    let result = format!("{}\n{}", a, b);

    print!("{}", result);

There are some more manual ways (some of which I believe avoid any allocations at all) but I prefer the above two.

Collected from the Internet

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