Convert String to NSURL is return nil in swift

Dharmesh Kheni

I am trying to convert a String to NSURL and my code for that is Below:

var url = "\(self.latitude),\(self.longitude)&destinations=\(self.stringForDistance)&language=en-US"
    println("This is String: \(url)")
    var remoteUrl : NSURL? = NSURL(string: url)
    println("This is URL: \(remoteUrl)")

And console prints something like this:

This is String:,150.8865837&destinations=-34.4250728,150.89314939999997|-34.4356434,150.8858692|-34.4250728,150.89314939999997|-34.4356434,150.8858692|-34.4250728,150.89314939999997|-34.4356434,150.8858692|-34.423234,150.88658899999996|-34.423234,150.88658899999996|-34.428251,150.899673|-34.4257439,150.89870229999997|-34.423234,150.88658899999996|-34.4257439,150.89870229999997|-34.425376,150.89388299999996&language=en-US

This is URL: nil

The remoteUrl is nil and I don't know what is the problem here.

After that I try sort String like this:

var url : String = ",150.8865837&destinations=-34.4250728,150.89314939999997&language=en-US"
    println("This is String: \(url)")
    var remoteUrl : NSURL? = NSURL(string: url)
    println("This is URL: \(remoteUrl)")

And console prints:

This is String:,150.8865837&destinations=-34.4250728,150.89314939999997&language=en-US
This is URL: Optional(,150.8865837&destinations=-34.4250728,150.89314939999997&language=en-US)

This is working fine.

So can anybody please tell me what is wrong with my first case?

Dharmesh Kheni

As suggested by the Martin R, I see THIS post and I converted that objective-c code to swift and I got this code:

var url : NSString = "\(self.latitud‌​e),\(self.longitude)&destinations=\(self.stringForDistance)&language=en-US" 
var urlStr : NSString = url.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)! 
var searchURL : NSURL = NSURL(string: urlStr)! 

and this is working correctly.

For swift 3.0:

let url : NSString = "\(self.latitud‌​e),\(self.longitude)&destinations=\(self.stringForDistance)&language=en-US"
let urlStr : NSString = url.addingPercentEscapes(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as NSString
let searchURL : NSURL = NSURL(string: urlStr as String)!

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