Got Download Traffic While Uploading With High Speed

Mohammad Amin

When I upload my backup using ftp to my backup server, my upload speed get to 1.5Gb/s which is good! BUT I see strange things on download traffic!! When my upload speed get bigger than 1Gb/s I see download traffic upto 10Mb/s. I don't know whats really going on here!? there is no app which cause this download traffic and they start together when ftp start tranfering! I use nload to see traffic Any explanation?

enter image description here


The chances are that the unexpected inbound traffic is simply acknowledgements of the data you're uploading. Assuming it's TCP/IP rather than UDP, of course. I would have thought 100:1 a little strong, but it is quite plausible.

Best thing might be to run something like ntop to see whether the incoming traffic addresses match the outbound traffic.

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