How can I convert the Date format for column in sqlite table?


In sqlite, my table is as follows:

Date           Temp
201309010051    82
201309010151    81
201309010251    80

For the 'Date column, it is currently in the following datetime format: YYYYMMDDHHMM.

I want to change this format of the entire date column, for example from : 201309010051 to :
2013-09-01 00:51

This is what I have tried so far:

select substr(Date, 7, 4)||"-"||substr(Date, 1,2)||"-"||substr(Date, 4,2) from myTable

An example of the incorrect/garbage output for the first row (i.e., 201309010051) is:


How can achieve the desired format conversion?

Tedo G.

You are using substr() function incorrectly. try this way:

select substr(Date, 1, 4)||"-"||substr(Date, 5, 2)||"-"||substr(Date, 7, 2) 
||" "||substr(Date, 9, 2)||":"||substr(Date, 11, 2)  
from myTable

also here is the substr manual:

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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