I have get an error when using a function from a class


I have created a Hangman game. But all the code was in the GUI. I have been reading a lot of programming books and I want to use functions and really program object orientated instead of putting everything in the GUI. So I tried creating a function that generates a random word but it doesn't work. It throws an error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll.

class GetSecretWord
    public static string GetWord()
        string unsortedwords = "master,bother,bucket,legend,method";
        List<string> sortedwords = unsortedwords.Split(',').ToList();

        int index = new Random().Next(sortedwords.Count);
        string secretWord = sortedwords[index];

        return GetWord();

What am I doing wrong?

Also, in my Form code:

 private void btn_Play_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string theSecretWord = GetSecretWord.GetWord();

I use a messagebox to test if it works but it doesn't...

John Koerner

Change your return to return secretWord

 public static string GetWord()
    string unsortedwords = "master,bother,bucket,legend,method";
    List<string> sortedwords = unsortedwords.Split(',').ToList();

    int index = new Random().Next(sortedwords.Count);
    string secretWord = sortedwords[index];

    return secretWord;

Right now you are recursively calling the function which is causing the stack overflow exception.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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