How can I check if the text of a button contains an element of an array?

Ryan Powell

I'm pretty new to this so bear with me. What I'm trying to do is check if the button is currently displaying an element from an array; array Answers. What would be the best route to do so?

@IBAction func qButton1(_ sender: Any) {
    if (sender as AnyObject).currentTitle == (Answer in Answers){


Duncan C

You should not use the button's title to store data and compare it to a value.

Any time you write code who's logic depends on text displayed to the user you are paining yourself into a corner in terms of localization.

Using a numeric tag to index into an array of strings would be a much better idea.

Say you create an array of title strings.

Make each button's tag be 100 + the array index.

let startingTag = 100

@IBAction func qButton1(_ sender: UIButton) {
    guard let index = sender.tag where startingTag >= 100 else {
    //fetch your string from the array of button title strings you set up.
    let stringToFind = strings[index]
    if answers.contains(where: {$0 == stringToFind}) {
      //Found the current' buttons' string in answers
    } else {
      //string not found


Collected from the Internet

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