why can't I order vlan with subnet size=32 from web UI?


When order a vlan from web UI, I'm only offered with 2 options about subnet size = 8 or 16.

But from this API: https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Product_Package/0/getItems.json Static Public IP Addresses has 5 options: 4,6,8,16,32, and I tried to place order with size=32, and it succeed.

So is there any particular reason the web UI limits the size to 8 or 16?

Ruber Cuellar Valenzuela

Yep, I'm able to order too, sometimes the API allows to do somethings that UI doesn't. Currently, I'm investigating about this issue, if you prefer you can submit a ticket to track it. Anyway, I will let you know any news about it.

Attach in the ticket this forum.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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