Getting error PHP Notice: Undefined variable: do_not_compress in my php code

finatems Technologies

Getting error

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: do_not_compress

in my php code.

if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') &&  !$do_not_compress) {
} else {

I tried to remove the && !$do_not_compress then throw another error

PHP Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice.
PHP Warning: ob_start(): failed to create buffer

Please help to fix this issue.


Firstly, if $do_not_compress has not been set before it reaches this point then it's not going to be able to observe the value of it. If you're trying to use ! to see if it's not been set yet, then you should be using isset().

Secondly, I haven't used ob_start() but it appears to be that you can't call "ob_start('ob_gzhandler');" more than once in your code. So to fix the error there, don't. Here's something that may help you check before calling: How to determine wether ob_start(); has been called already

Collected from the Internet

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