Specify parameters for launcher program


I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

I have Google Chrome in my launcher and I want to add the parameter --scroll-pixels=50 when I open it.

However, I don't get any option to set the command line options of the link.

Any ideas?


The easiest thing to do is:

  1. Remove your existing Chrome icon from the Unity launcher
  2. Open the Unity Dash and make it non-maximized

enter image description here

  1. Type "chrome"
  2. Drag the Chrome icon to your desktop
  3. Right-click on the Chrome icon on your desktop and choose "Properties"
  4. Modify "Command" to insert --scroll-pixels=50 before %U and close the window
  5. Move the icon from your desktop to some folder (where it will stay)
  6. Drag the icon from the folder to your Unity launcher

Collected from the Internet

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