How to cast nil to IOKit.IOHIDValueCallback in swift


I write a small utility in swift which registers a callback using IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback. I am trying to be a good citizen and cleanup after myself.

The [documentation] ( says that to unregister one should call the registration function with Null

Note: To unregister pass NULL for the callback.


IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback( hidManager, nil , nil);

doesn't compile saying :

Nil is not compatible with expected argument type 'IOHIDValueCallback' (aka '@convention(c) (Optional, Int32, Optional, IOHIDValue) -> ()')

How can I cast nil to the correct type ?

Here is a sample code which should compile :

import Foundation
import Carbon
import IOKit
import IOKit.usb
import IOKit.hid
class IOEventManager{
  func start()->Void{
    let hidManager = IOHIDManagerCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, IOOptionBits(kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone) );
    let context = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque());
    IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback( hidManager, nil, context);

if you want a full project, checkout and look at IOKeyEventMonitor#deinit


After a long while I opened that project again and while perusing the method signature again, I noticed that the signature of the swift binding actually expects an IOHIDValueCallback? which means an optional IOHIDValueCallback

@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public func IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback(_ manager: IOHIDManager, _ callback: IOKit.IOHIDValueCallback?, _ context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)

This was not obviously apparent to me because you can directly pass the IOHIDValueCallback value without explicit wrapping when calling the method.

Noticing this made the solution obvious :

IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback( hidManager, Optional.none , context);

The program now compiles and seems to behave properly.

Collected from the Internet

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