Powershell - Trying to calculate the average of a csv file using a function


Below you can see my code. I' trying to calculate the average line by line of my csv file. The only way I have been able to do this is by using it as an array. My question is, is there a way to pass each line through the function so that I don't have to create multiple functions?

The file looks like this:

V1  V2  V3
5   9   3
5   6   2


Function Average($a) {

        Foreach ($line in $a) {
            $total = [int]$a[0].V1 + [int]$a[0].V2 + [int]$a[0].V3
        return "The Average is $($total / 3)"


    $a = (Import-Csv "Document.csv")


Mathias R. Jessen

You can access the properties of each line (without knowing their names) through the psobject reference:

function Get-CsvAverage

    # Loop through all lines of input
    foreach($Line in $Lines){
        # For each "line" object, loop through its properties
        $Numbers = $Line.psobject.Properties |ForEach-Object {
            # Attempt to cast the property's value as an integer
            $_.Value -as [int]

        # Output the average for the current line
        Write-Output ($numbers | Measure-Object -Average).Average

Then use like:

$CsvLines = Import-Csv Document.csv
Get-CsvAverage $CsvLines

For your sample input this would produce:


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