How to confirm an enumeration to Identifiable protocol in Swift?

Атанас Начков

I'm trying to make a list with the raw values of the cases from an enumeration with the new SwiftUI framework. However, I'm having a trouble with conforming the 'Data' to Identifiable protocol and I really cannot find information how to do it. It tells me "Initializer 'init(_:rowContent:)' requires that 'Data' conform to 'Identifiable'" The stub provides me with an ObjectIdentifier variable in the last extension, but don't know what should I return. Could you tell me how do it? How do I conform Data to Identifiable, so I can make a list with the raw values?

enum Data: String {
    case firstCase = "First string"
    case secondCase = "Second string"
    case thirdCase = "Third string"

extension Data: CaseIterable {
    static let randomSet = [Data.firstCase, Data.secondCase]

extension Data: Identifiable {
    var id: ObjectIdentifier {
        return //what?


import SwiftUI

struct Lala: View {
    var name: String

    var body: some View {

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        return List(Data.allCases) { i in
            Lala(name: i.rawValue)
Mojtaba Hosseini

When something conforms to Identifiable , it must return something that can be identified by that. So you should return something unique to that case. For String base enum, rawValue is the best option you have:

extension Data: Identifiable {
    var id: String { rawValue }

Also enums can usually identified by their selves:

extension Data: Identifiable {
    var id: Data { self }

NOTE 1: If you return something that is always unique, like UUID, this means you get a new object each time you get the object and this will kill reusability and can cause epic memory and layout process usage.

Note 2: From Swift 5.1, single line closures don't need return.

Note 3: Try not to use globally known names like Data for your own types. At least use namespace for that like MyCustomNameSpace.Data

Inline mode

You can make any collection iterable inline by one of it's element's keypath:

For example to self:

List (Data.allCases, id:\.self)

or to any other compatible keypath:

List (Data.allCases, id:\.rawValue)

Collected from the Internet

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