Set mutiple values in one parameter


I have written the following script to compare jobs that I have saved in a folder and compare them by name on the servers.

$submaporiginal = 'D:\Jobs_from_Server\TEST_Jobs_Aangepast'

$SqlServer1Name = "servername"

$SqlServer1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($SqlServer1Name)

$files = Get-ChildItem $submaporiginal *.sql 

$SqlServer1JobListing = $SqlServer1.JobServer.Jobs | 
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

foreach ($file in $files) 
    $stap1 =  $file.Name  
    $locatiedtsx = $stap1.IndexOf("_goed")
    $SqlServer2JobListing = $stap1.Substring(0,$locatiedtsx)

Compare-Object $SqlServer1JobListing $SqlServer2JobListing 
    if ($_.SideIndicator -eq "<=") 
        {Write-Host $_}

After running it shows a list with all the jobs that are currently on the server but are not saved in the folder: TEST_Jobs_Aangepast

My problem is that currently it only ignores the last job that have run trough the foreach ($file in $files)

For excample in the map are the files TestA.sql and TestB.SQL while the server has a job named testA, TestB and TestC. The result shown should be:

  • TestC <=

but the actual result is shows:

  • TestA <=
  • TestC <=

My question is how can I set all the values that go trough foreach ($file in $files) in one parameter SqlServer2JobListing so that all the jobs that match between $SqlServer1JobListing $SqlServer2JobListing are not shown

Andrey Marchuk

Your problem is that you always reassign the $SqlServer2JobListing variable, instead you need to add a value to array or list. Like this:

$SqlServer1JobListing = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($file in $files) 
    $stap1 =  $file.Name  
    $locatiedtsx = $stap1.IndexOf("_goed")

This way, after your foreach loop you will get a collection of all the items, rather than only the last one like you had before.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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