Spring, annotation based, overriding of components


When I setup Spring with XML a can override component definitions in XML files that are loaded later. It's very usefull for tests - I create default config set and than load it with addition test configuration that replaces some of components with specials (stubs, mocks, and so on). Now i start to migrate to annotation based configurations and it causes some problems.

The direct way to use annotations is auto-discovering of packages with @Component

So I have

@ComponentScan({"some.pack1", "some.pack2"})
public class ProductConfig{}

And when @Configuration @Import({ProductConfig.class}) @ComponentScan({"test.pack"}) public class TestConfig{}

But it will cause conflict if I try to override components in test.pack

And what I can do?

After some investigations where are 3 answers with some issues on them

  1. Worst - i can use @Filter on ComponentScan - it's worst way,
    • i must not import existed config (that can has some additional beans)
    • i must rescan all components, and explicitly define set of filters
  2. i can use @Profile and activeProfiles - it's better, while it's more sophistical, implict, but
    • it means that i must to know at product classes that they can be disabled in some tests
  3. not to use @ComponentScan on override Config and using @Bean insted of it
    • it's maybe well on test configurations, but it means that I lost ability to use @Component annotation
  4. use setParent on contexts - it works well, but
    • it's explicit operation on implementation of ApplicationContext not on interface
    • it's not hard to setup if overriding services has @Autwire dependency on some components from overriden config - require manual register and refresh

What is best and standard way to override conigurations??? When I used XML-based it was not a problem...

Vishal Nagpure

@profile plays a crucial role while implementing the testing strategy for your service/code.

For example, in development, you may have:

public interface DataSource{
 public String getHost();

Default implementation is

public class DevDataSource implements DataSource {
    public String getHost(){
     // return actual value

And the implementation for component tests(Fake impl)

public class StubbyDataSource implements DataSource {
    public String getHost(){
     return "some-host";   // return mocked data

Now you can write a test here which can act as integration test, unit test and component tests (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/ComponentTest.html)

In that way, your testing strategy would be much more elegant, concise and easy to maintain. Just by changing the profile, the same test can point to different environments (real or fake).

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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