Spring Boot: Prevent decoding for @RequestParam


I have a Spring-Boot (1.5.3) application running on a Tomcat 8.5. Within it, i have a RestController with a single parameter.

This parameter is decoded automatically - which is fine for all other controllers within my application, but for this one, i need the raw request data, since they will be used within another request. Please note that i wold like to only disable the auto-decoding for this Controller/request and keep the normal behaviour everywhere else.

public class TestController {

  public ResponseEntity<String> test(@RequestParam final String test){
    return ResponseEntity.ok("Requested: " + test);

Now, if i send access it with

curl localhost/rest/test/test?test=%C3%B6%20%C3%A4

I receive the output:

Requested: ö ä

I would like to have

Requested: %C3%B6%20%C3%A4

Any Ideas?

Daniel Olszewski

If you need this behavior only in a single place, you can encode the parameter back to the original form using the standard Java URLEncoder inside of the controller body:

public ResponseEntity<String> test(@RequestParam final String test) {
  String encodedParam = URLEncoder.encode(test, "UTF-8");
  return ResponseEntity.ok("Requested: " + encodedParam);

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