How to set column ticked from other column


How can I set a value into gridview column? The thing is the column was added manually, not from the database. What I want is when the checklist value was 1 the cek22 column got ticked and when value was 0 the cek22 column was unticked. I used devexpress.

Example of my code that I used:

public void abc()
    //select query in here
    gridControl1.DataSource = dt;

    //iam adding a column here

enter image description here


If your column is added manually then your column is working in unbound mode. So, you can just use its unbound expression. If you want to update your checklist column from cel22 then you can use CellValueChanging event.
Here is example:

var table = new DataTable();

    new DataColumn("preferred", typeof(string)),
    new DataColumn("checklist", typeof(int))

table.Rows.Add("Director Fury", 1);
table.Rows.Add("Maria Hill", 0);

gridControl1.DataSource = table;

var column = new GridColumn();
column.FieldName = "cek22";
column.UnboundType = UnboundColumnType.Boolean;
column.UnboundExpression = "[checklist]";
column.Visible = true;


gridView1.CellValueChanging += (sender, e) =>
    if (e.Column.FieldName == "cek22")
        gridView1.SetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "checklist", e.Value);

Here is the result: Result

Collected from the Internet

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