how to sum multiple columns into one result from database in php? is that posible?

Sandi Budic

i have big database table and i need result from multiple columns into one. its about how much people is checked from some conturies and every contry has own column. here is some of it: rs_turista, rs_nocenja, agencija_turista, agencija_nocenja, at_turista, at_nocenja, be_turista, be_nocenja, ba_turista... they is checking every day. i need to sum it all in php for report. is that posible?

Jakub Kania

Don't do it in PHP, that's needlessly selecting too much data from a database. All you gotta do is use a SUM() and + like so:

SELECT SUM(column1) + SUM(column2) + SUM(column3) + ... AS total
FROM table
WHERE <filters for a date or other requirements>

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