Read a file from GCS in Apache Beam


I need to read a file from a GCS bucket. I know I'll have to use GCS API/Client Libraries but I cannot find any example related to it.

I have been referring to this link in the GCS documentation: GCS Client Libraries. But couldn't really make a dent. If anybody can provide an example that would really help. Thanks.


OK. If you want to simply read files from GCS, not as a PCollection but as regular files, and if you are having trouble with the GCS Java client libraries, you can also use the Apache Beam FileSystems API:

First, you need to make sure that you have a Maven dependency in your pom.xml on beam-sdks-java-extensions-google-cloud-platform-core which contains implementation of the gs:// filesystem:


Then set up the FileSystems API (it is set up by default in all pipelines, but if you're using it outside a pipeline, you need to do it manually).

PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
// ...Optionally fill in options such as GCP credentials...
// (see GcpOptions class)

Then you can use it:

ReadableByteChannel chan =
  "gs://path/to/your/file", false /* is_directory */));
try (InputStream stream = Channels.newInputStream(chan)) {
  // Use regular Java utilities to work with the input stream.

Collected from the Internet

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