How to make two different folder get resources from one folder?


I have a dynamic about page

<section class="page">

<header style="background-image: url('uploads/<?php echo $page[header_picture]; ?>'); background-position: center;"></header>

<div class="container">

    <?php echo $page['body_formatted']; ?>


and the Admin page

They both have same the same src


but my admin page are in a Admin folder.

How to make two different folder get resources from one folder?

Robert Wade

Each file would need to either provide an absolute or relative path to the source file.

If your directory structure is:


Then relative paths would be:

"uploads/1473747556216.jpg" // from about.php
"../uploads/1473747556216.jpg" // from admin.php

Then absolute paths would be:

"" // for either file

Then relative from root (if supported in your environment):

"/uploads/1473747556216.jpg" // from either file

Collected from the Internet

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