Spring MockMvc and @AutoConfigureMockMvc() set headers in request


I'm using Spring boot and have Spring Security setup to use token authorization. I have my test is setup like so:

@SpringBootTest(properties = {
@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {
public class ApplicationTests {
        public void shouldReturnRepositoryIndex() throws Exception {


I need get("/") to send a header "X-AUTH: SOMETOKEN"

How do I do that?

Alex M981

.header("X-AUTH" , "SOMETOKEN") should work.

Here is the modified mockMvc code:

mockMvc.perform(get("/").header("X-AUTH" , "SOMETOKEN")).andDo(print()).andExpect(status().isOk()).andExpect(

The output is:

  HTTP Method = GET
  Request URI = /
   Parameters = {}
      Headers = {X-AUTH=[SOMETOKEN]}

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