Loop through foreach and put elements from that foreach into a new multi dimensional array


I have a foreach that is looping over an array as it's supposed to, and then I'm pulling information out of that array from the foreach. I need to put this information into a separate empty array. I've got working, kind of. Here's my code:

newArray = array();
foreach ($result as $value) {
    newArray[] = $value['sample1'];
    newArray[] = $value['sample2'];
    newArray[] = $value['sample3'];

This prints an associative array that looks like:

    0: "1",
    1: "1",
    2: "blah",
    3: "etc through as many values as I have",

Instead I need to have it form an array that looks like:

    0: {
        0: "1",
        1: "1",
        2: "blah"
    1: {
        0: "etc"

Any recommendations on how I should go about creating the new multidimensional array?


Build a temp array containing the parts of the original you want, then add that temporary array to newArray like this

foreach ($result as $value) {
    $t = [ $value['sample1'], $value['sample2'], $value['sample3'] ];
    $newArray[] = $t;

Or is you are using an old PHP

foreach ($result as $value) {
    $t = array( $value['sample1'], $value['sample2'], $value['sample3'] );
    $newArray[] = $t;

OR shorthand

foreach ($result as $value) {
    $newArray[] = [ $value['sample1'], $value['sample2'], $value['sample3'] ];

and old PHP

foreach ($result as $value) {
    $newArray[] = array( $value['sample1'], $value['sample2'], $value['sample3'] );

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