IntelliJ test classpath: Different when running class vs package


I have multi module project that has a test module specifically for running integration tests. I've noticed the test classpath changes significantly when running a single class vs running all the same package.

From inspection I can see another project module (and it's dependencies) are being added to the classpath that is not a dependency of the test module (direct or transitive) - it is fact a database migration library that is not depended on by anything else.

Can anyone rationalise why a test classpath would change when running a single class vs all 3 classes in that same package?

Background: IntelliJ 14.1.3 Tests pass when running via Maven


The difference could be seen in the Run... Run Configurations sections.

When using the Run... option for a package, the Test kind defaults to All in Package however the Package does not default to the package used when invoking Run.... The default Use classpath of module was greyed out (and will remain that way until you select a Package), so it looks like the classpath of all modules was used.

Use classpath of module was the option I needed to correct the classpath when running all tests in a package.

enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

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