jQuery setting input value attribute using .html() not working

Robert Rocha

I want to be able to set the contents of the value attribute in the input element but have not been successful doing this.


<div class='photo-info'>
    Photo Name : <span class='photo-name'><?php echo $title; ?></span>
    <span class='title-edit'><a href='#'>Edit</a></span>


// show editable area for title
    $('.title-edit').on('click', function () {
        var $titleElm = $(this).prev();
        var text = $titleElm.text();
        $titleElm.html("<input type='text'>").val('tom');




Add find('input') after you update the HTML:

$titleElm.html("<input type='text'>").find('input').val('tom');

jsFiddle Demo

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