Convert Map<List> to List<NewType> with new java 8 streams


I need help using the java 8 streams API to convert

Map<String, List<Entry<Parameter, String>>> inputData


List<TestSession> testList

with the following test session

private static class TestSession {
    final String mServiceName;
    final Parameter mParam;
    final String mData;
    public TestSession(
        final String aServiceName,
        final Parameter aParameter,
        final String aData) {
        mServiceName = aServiceName;
        mParam = aParam,
        mData= aData;


enum Parameter {

Lets say that input data contains the following

{"ABC", {{Parameter.Foo, "hello"},{Parameter.Bar, "bye"} }
{"DEF", {{Parameter.Baz, "hello1"},{Parameter.Foo, "bye1"} }

I would like the testList to contain

   TestSession("ABC", Parameter.Foo, "hello"), 
   TestSession("ABC", Parameter.Bar, "bye"), 
   TestSession("DEF", Parameter.Baz, "hello1"),
   TestSession("DEF", Parameter.Foo, "bye1")

The idea is that each TestSession is constructed using the Key from the inputData and the Entry<Parameter, String> from each of the entries in the list.


As already mentioned in a comment by the user “soon”, this problem can be easily solved with flatMap and map:

List<TestSession> list = mapList.entrySet().stream()
    .flatMap(e1 -> e1.getValue().stream()
        .map(e2 -> new TestSession(e1.getKey(), e2.getKey(), e2.getValue())))

Collected from the Internet

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