angular2 rxjs observable forkjoin


Is it possible to continue forkjoin http.get requests even if one of the requests fails.

I'm looking to a similar function of $q.allSettled in angular2.

See example :

angular.module('qAllSettled', []).config(function($provide) {
  $provide.decorator('$q', function($delegate) {
    var $q = $delegate;
    $q.allSettled = function(promises) {
      return $q.all( {
        return promise.then(function(value) {
          return { state: 'fulfilled', value: value };
        }, function(reason) {
          return { state: 'rejected', reason: reason };
    return $q;


Thierry Templier

You could leverage the catch operator for each observable to intercept the error and return another observable in such cases.

Here is a sample:

return Observable.forkJoin(
         .map((res:Response) => res.json())
         .catch(res:Response => Observable.of({}),
         .map((res:Response) => res.json())
         .catch(res:Response => Observable.of({}),

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