How can I duplicate an object to another object, without changing the base object in Kotlin?

SadeQ digitALLife

this is my code:

var header1: Record? = null
var header2: Record? = null

header2 = header1 = "new_name"

but changes too!

Josef Adamcik

You are just assigning the same object (same chunk of memory) to another variable. You need to somehow create a new instance and set all fields.

header2 = Record() =

However in Kotlin, if the Record class was Data class, Kotlin would create a copy method for you.

data class Record(val name: String, ...)
header2 = header1.copy()

And copy method allows you to override the fields you need to override.

header2 = header1.copy(name = "new_name")

Collected from the Internet

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