binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String!' and '[String]' in Swift 2 Xcode 7


I have developed the following code and it's working fine:

if metadataObj.type == AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode {
    //the code...

Now, I would like for metadataObj.type to be equal to an array of string like the following:

let barCodeTypes = [AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode,

if metadataObj.type == barcodeTypes {
    //The code...

I get the following error when I use the new code:

binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String!' and '[String]'

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance


You can't compare string and array of strings, but you can use contains:

 if barcodeTypes.contains(metadataObj.type)

Collected from the Internet

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