AMQP/RabbitMQ - Process messages sequentially

Kanarie Piet

I have one direct exchange. There is also one queue, bound to this exchange.

I have two consumers for that queue. The consumers are manually ack'ing the messages once they've done the corresponding processing.

The messages are logically ordered/sorted, and should be processed in that order. Is it possible to enforce that all messages are received and processed sequentially accross consumer A and consumer B? In other words, prevent A and B from processing messages at the same time.

Note: the consumers are not sharing the same connection and/or channel. This means I cannot use <channel>.basicQoS(1);.

Rationale of this question: both consumers are identicall. If one goes down, the other queue starts processing messages and everything keeps working without any required intervention.


Usually the point of a MQ system is to distribute workload. Of course, there are some situations where processing of message N depends on result of processing the message N-1, or even the N-1 message itself.

If A and B can't process messages at the same time, then why not just have A or just B? As I see it, you are not saving anything with having 2 consumers in a way that one can work only when the other one is not...

In your case, it would be best to have one consumer but to actually do the parallelisation (not a word really) on the processing part.

Just to add that RMQ is distributing messages evenly to all consumers (in round-robin fashion) regardless on any criteria. Of course this is when prefetch is set to 1, which by default it is. More info on that here, look for "fair dispatch".

Collected from the Internet

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