Centering the text of a vertical header in a QTableView?


I have a QTableView with the vertical header visible. By default, this header is numbered. I cannot figure out how to center the text (numbers), though. Here's what it looks like now (the red parts are the headers):

enter image description here

Here is the code I currently have. I tried applying an alignment property with CSS, but it doesn't work. Everything else seems to work via CSS (coloring), but not the text alignment.

ui->tableView->verticalHeader()->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("QHeaderView::section{background-color: #e5cbcb; text-align: center;}"));

How can I center the numbers?

Lucas Araujo

Use setDefaultAlignment()

With these flags:

Qt::AlignLeft   0x0001  Aligns with the left edge.
Qt::AlignRight  0x0002  Aligns with the right edge.
Qt::AlignHCenter    0x0004  Centers horizontally in the available space.
Qt::AlignJustify    0x0008  Justifies the text in the available space.

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