Mesos bind error : Cannot assign requested address [99]


I'm trying to run a Mesos cluster on 2 machines. One is a server that I rent (we'll call it S1), and the other one is a machine running in my house (S2). The Mesos slaves and masters are running inside Docker containers.

First, I ran into this error : I followed the advices in this post (by setting either LIBPROCESS_IP or MESOS_IP). Adding one of these environment variables causes this error :

F0512 08:48:55.437530     1 process.cpp:889] Failed to initialize: Failed to bind on <ip>:<port>: Cannot assign requested address: Cannot assign requested address [99]

I figured it was caused because the Docker container ip address was and not S1 or S2's ip. I added --net=host in the docker run command. It fixed the error on S1, but not on S2.

I think it is because S2 has a local IP inside my network (, and mesos can't bind to my router IP.

Is there a way to make Mesos work with this configuration, or do I need a machine with its own IP address ?


Although this doesn't seem to be an ideal configuration, you might have success in adding a port forwarding on your router (e.g. port 5050 and 5051) and use the --advertise_ip command line flag when starting the master/slave on the machine in your house.

IP address advertised to reach this Mesos master/slave. The master/slave does not bind to this IP address. However, this IP address may be used to access this master/slave.


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