SQL inner join getting all data in column


This is my first time using an inner join so i'm very confused.

I have two tables.

First one it: (I've blanked out details)

This is my first table called members

enter image description here

This is my other table called donations. The userID from the members is linked up with the userID on the donations table.

Right so what i'm trying to do is select all of the data from members and from the donations table and assiotate each Id with the donation amount. So what i'm trying to do is echo all of the names along side their donation amount if that makes sense.

This is my code at the moment

$connect - contains my config

  //Connection info.
  global $connect;

  //inner join
  $sql = "SELECT members.firstname, members.lastname 
  FROM members INNER JOIN   donations ON members.userID = donations.userID WHERE donations.amount !='' ORDER BY members.userID ASC ";

  $result = mysqli_query( $connect, $sql);

  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){

    $list .= $row["firstname"];
    echo $list;

I'm getting this error back: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result boolean

UPDATE: Thanks for all your help, i'm running the SQL query and just getting the first and last name back.

  SELECT members.firstname, members.lastname FROM members INNER JOIN   donations ON members.userID = donations.userID WHERE donations.amount !='' ORDER BY members.userID ASC

I think i'm doing something wrong here !='' the donation amount is a decimal am i targeting it right?

Chin Leung

Replace members.id by members.userID in your query.

SELECT members.firstname, members.lastname, donations.amount 
FROM members
INNER JOIN donations ON members.userID = donations.userID
WHERE donations.amount != ''
ORDER BY members.userID ASC

As for the SQL error, it's because $result is false when there's a problem with the query or no result has been found.

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result boolean

To prevent the error, add a simple if case because your while.

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
       $list .= $row["firstname"];
       echo $list;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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