tuples and list arrangements in python


These fours 'teams' consequently did total number of 'goals':

teams = ['W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
goals = [4, 5, 1, 9]

Now, how to know which team did following goals?

given_goals = [3, 2, 7, 15]

The expected answer should be in this form:

answers = [('W', (2, 3)),
           ('X', 7),
           ('Z', 15)]

W made 4 consecutive goals therefore the 2nd and 3rd goal is theirs. Then X made 5 consecutive goals (5-10) after W so goal number 7 is theirs and so on.

I tried but it seems difficult way:

teams_ = [team for team, goal in zip(teams, goals) for g in range(goal)]

teams_goals = [teams_[g-1] for g in given_goals]
print teams_goals

Is there an easier way?


That's the most efficient way I believe:

import bisect
import itertools

teams = ['W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
goals = [4, 5, 1, 9]

# Create the max goal of each team
goal_ranges = itertools.accumulate(goals)

# Create sorted tuples of goals and teams (comes sorted because of accumulate)
ordered_teams = list(zip(goal_ranges, teams))

def get_team(goal_number):
    # Get the leftmost occurence of the goal number, and extract the team from the tuple
    return ordered_teams[bisect.bisect_left(ordered_teams, (goal_number,))][1]

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