JavaScript : How do i push new column/row to the JavaScript Array during for..loop iteration?


i have my service response as below and i want to push a new row/column when i am iterating the array using for.. loop?

Service Response

   "student" [

       "name" : "student1", 
       "oDate" : "03/03/2016",
       "oTime" :  "5:00 PM"
       "name" : "student2", 
       "oDate" : "03/03/2016",
       "oTime" :  "6:00 PM"
       "name" : "student3", 
       "oDate" : "03/03/2016",
       "oTime" :  "7:00 PM"
} ]        


var myArray =[];

for(var i=0; i<data.message.student.length; i++)
var sessionDate = a.oDate + a.oTime;

How do i push my sessionDate to the data.message.student[i] object and it got pushed further into myArray?


I hope this help

var myArray = [];

for(var i=0; i < data.message.student.length; i++) {
    data.message.student[i].sessionDate = a.oDate + a.oTime;


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