How can I access values from a key that stores more than one value in a dictionary in python?


My dictionary looks like this:

{James: [10, 7, 9], 'Bob': [3, 8, 4], 'Charles': [6, 2, 5]}

What I want to do is, output each user's score in order of who got the highest score. And with their name. At the moment, I am only able to print the student with the highest score:

inverse = [(value, key) for key, value in score_dict.items()]

print (max(inverse)[1])

The output is:


The output that I am trying to get is:

James 10

Bob 8

Charles 6
Hossain Muctadir

You can simply create a list of tuples with userwise highscore and later sort it with score. Something like this,

x = {'James': [10, 7, 9], 'Bob': [3, 8, 4], 'Charles': [6, 2, 5]}
y = [(k, max(v)) for k, v in x.items()]
for k, v in sorted(y, key=lambda a: a[1], reverse=True):
    print (k, v)

Collected from the Internet

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