C# Invoke generic method with casted property as parameter

Nervis Wreck

I have a generic class with a generic method:

public class GenericClass<T> where T : class
   public void GenericMethod<T>(T item)
      // do work here

I also have an object with multiple properties, some of which can be other objects:

public class TestObject
   public ChildObject ChildObject { get; set; }

I am then attempting to use a generic method which will reflect through TestObject and call GenericMethod for all properties that are in and of themselves custom classes such as ChildObject (I do have a way of determining this based on inheritance, however for the sake of keeping it simple did not include that code for this example):

public void ReflectingMethod<T>(T item)
   var properties = item.GetType().GetProperties();

   foreach (var property in properties)
      var type = property.PropertyType;

      dynamic propertyModel = property.GetValue(model, null);

      var castedObject = Convert.ChangeType(propertyModel, type);
      var genericClass = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(GenericClass<>).MakeGenericType(type));
      var method = genericClass.GetType().GetMethod("GenericMethod", new [] { type });

      method.Invoke(castedObject, null);

The problem is that whether I attempt to change property's type (as shown in the above example) or I pass property directly to method.Invoke, such as:

method.Invoke(propertyModel, null);

I still receive the same error:

Object does not match target type.

At RunTime method is:


And castedObject is:


I am confused as to why I am getting the error I am, when it would appear that the casted object is exactly of the type that the method is looking for.

EDIT 1 Included the call to GetValue that I had originally left out when posting the question.

Ivan Stoev

The call

  method.Invoke(castedObject, null);

is incorrect. It should be

  method.Invoke(genericClass, new object[] { castedObject });

Since you are trying to call an instance method, the first argument to Invoke(object, object[]) must be the this instance. For static method, pass null as first argument. Method arguments are always passed via the second object[] argument of the Invoke method.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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