change background color of view by its ID in Titanium


I have several views that are added to a ScrollView dynamically with a for, but when the user clicks on one of the views, I want to change the Background color of the view. I have the following code for the click event:

(function() {
    var id = i;
    viewQuantity.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
        viewQuantity.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';

but with this code the view that changes the color is always the last added view. How can I use the id to change the view that was clicked by the user?

Rene Pot

Within a click event you get an event property in the function as first parameter. This has source object which is the element the user has clicked.

var clickedView;
(function() {
    var id = i;
    viewQuantity.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
        if (clickedView){
             clickedView.backgroundColor= '#000000'; // put your own color here to restore original
        e.source.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';
        clickedView = e.source;

To change the color later, you can store a reference to the object, and change the color later

Collected from the Internet

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