Email address not allowed error when pushing to remote

Rafa de King

I am getting an email address not allowed error why pushing to the remote.

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c
credential.helper=sourcetree push -v --set-upstream origin

Pushing to

ssh://[email protected]:222/var/lib/git/broccoli-ios.git remote:
Email address '[email protected]' in commit 067e3d3 not allowed when
updating refs/heads/feature/ROC-133_my_branch         To
ssh://[email protected]:222/var/lib/git/xxx-ios.git  !

[remote rejected] feature/ROC-133_xxx ->
feature/ROC-133_xxx (pre-receive hook declined) error:
failed to push some refs to
'ssh://[email protected]:222/var/lib/git/xxx-ios.git'

Completed with errors, see above

Any ideas what might be the issue?


The error is explained here:

feature/BROC-133_xxx (pre-receive hook declined) error:

Your server side pre-receive hook deny your email address from pushing code into the desired repo or branch.

You have to contact your git administrator to modify the hook and allowing you to commit your code.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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