TFS Build 2015 not publishing test results


UPDATE (I have restructured this question with a new and basic solution and build as the same problem exists there)

I'm using the new build system in Tfs 2015 and I'm using Update 1. I have noticed that on the build summary screen, no test results or Code Coverage results are submitted:

enter image description here

I have a test step which runs and contains results and I have a .trx and a .coverage file but the test step log contains the warning:

##[warning]Failed to publish test results: The value for the Build.Id property is not within the permissible values for it.

The Build is very basic, it contains 2 steps and Code Coverage is Enabled on the test step:

enter image description here

Here is the build def as retrieved by the TEST REST API:

         "displayName":"Build solution $/IsdDev/SQTestBuild/Main/TestBuildSystem.sln",
         "displayName":"Test Assemblies **\\$(BuildConfiguration)\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**",
         "value":"any cpu",
      "displayName":"Rod Hall",
         "name":"Back Office Pool"
      "name":"Back Office Pool"
   "name":"SQ Test",

What is the Build.Id that the warning refers to, how can I view it and set it?

This could even be a problem with TFS 2015 Update 1...

UPDATE I'm not sure if it matters but when I go to the Build section of the TFS Admin Console it appears to not be configured:

enter image description here

I have my application tier on 1 server and then I have 3 Agent Pools each with 3 Agents. There are 3 build servers each of which have 1 agent from each pool installed for a total of 9 agents. I set these up using PowerShell and I downloaded the agent from the TFS page. My builds still work Ok, it's just this tests publishing


Credit to Jesse Houwing for helping me on this one. I had to detach and reattach the Team Project Collection using the TFS Admin Console on the App Server. It seems there is an issue with Update 1 (or perhaps one of the Release Candidates).

For those with the same problem, it will obviously take TFS offline but it took less than 5 minutes.

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