Folder navigation by double-click in TableView


I'm learning Qt Quick to write a file manager. Following the answer to my previous question, now I'm trying to navigate around the directory tree by double-clicking a row (corresponding to a folder) in TableView, that is, the view should change to the content inside the folder that I just double-clicked.

Conceptually, I'll need to tell onDoubleClicked to change the folder property of FolderListModel, right? But it's not clear to me how to get the model element corresponding to the clicked row? A hard-coded example would be:

TableView {
    onDoubleClicked: {
        folderModel2.folder = "file:///bin";

But I want to assign to the folder property the role fileURL of the model element corresponding to the row I double-clicked. By the way I'm not planing to explicitly display fileURL in the TableView, so I'll have to get the model element itself, not just the view.

Again the starting code is here. Thank you!


It felt like a daunting thing for me, walking in the dark, but after I wrote the question up, it became clearer what exactly to look up. So far a working solution:

TableView {
    onDoubleClicked: {
        var cur_idx = tableView1.currentRow;
        if ( folderModel2.isFolder(cur_idx) ) {
            folderModel2.folder = folderModel2.get(cur_idx, "fileURL");

Please let me know if there are better solutions, or if my current code has malpractices in term of QML. Thanks for reading.

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