Radio button clicked with label


I have multiple radio buttons. In the code that i have they are different pictures corresponding with different functions.

The user has to know which radio button is clicked. Therefor i'm trying to find a way to change the background of the radio button after it has been clicked. In order for the code to work the <label> has to stay arround the <input> tag.

 <div class="radio-toolbar">

        <label class="BottomLeft">
            <input id="tech" type="radio" ng-model="SelectedLayout" value="BottomLeft" />

        <label class="BottomRight">
            <input id="tech" type="radio" ng-model="SelectedLayout" value="BottomRight" />

        <label class="Dual">
            <input id="tech" type="radio" ng-model="SelectedLayout" value="Dual" />

        <label class="DualRight">
            <input id="tech" type="radio" ng-model="SelectedLayout" value="DualRight" />

        <label class="Duplex">
            <input id="tech" type="radio" ng-model="SelectedLayout" value="Duplex" />

        <label class="Custom">
            <input id="tech" type="radio" ng-model="SelectedLayout" value="Custom" />

Here's the JSfiddle


You can try this:

    .on('click', function() {
        var $label = $(this).closest('label');
        $('label').not($label).css('background-color', 'green');
        $label.css('background-color', '#2C8BDE');

Here is the FIDDLE.

Also, you must have unique ID's in html.

Collected from the Internet

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