How transform (calculate) an ordinal variable to a dichotomous in R?


I want to transform an ordinal variabel (0-2) – where 0 is no rights, 1 is some rights, and 2 full rights – to a dichotomous variable.

The original ordinal variable is coded for each country and year (country-year unit).

I want to create a dichotomous variable, (let's call it Improvement), capturing all annual positive changes, for each country-year. So when it goes from 0 to 1 (or from 0 to 2, or from 1 to 0), I want it to be 1 for that year and country. And zero otherwise.

Below I give an example of how my data looks like. The "RIGHTS" is the original ordinal variable. The "MY DICHOTOMOUS" variable is what I want to calculate in R. How can I do it?

A        1990  0           0
A        1991  0           0
A        1992  0           0
A        1993  1           1 
A        1994  0           0
B        1990  1           1 
B        1991  1           0 
B        1992  1           0
B        1993  1           0
B        1994  1           0

Please, note that the original data can go the other away as well, i.e. it can go negative. I do not want to code for negative changes for this dichotomous variable.


We can use diff

 df1$dichotomous <- +c(FALSE,diff(df1$RIGHTS)==1)
 #[1] 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

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