How to count based on multiple columns in SQL Server?

Ranjith K Avarachan

I have columns in a table like this:

race  | active
asian | false
black | true 
asian | false
white | true 
asian | false
black | false
asian | false
white | false
asian | false
black | true 
black | true 
asian | false
white | true 
asian | false
black | false

I need to calculate the count like

 white-active : 2
 asian-active : 
 black-active : 
 asian-inactive : 
 white-inactive : 
 black-inactive : 

How can I achieve this in SQL Server 2008?

Nguyễn Hải Triều

You can try this code:

SELECT race + '-active : ' + CAST(count(active) OVER(PARTITION BY race) AS VARCHAR) output
FROM Your_Table WHERE active='true'
union all
SELECT race + '-inactive : ' + CAST(count(active) OVER(PARTITION BY race) AS VARCHAR) output
FROM Your_Table WHERE active='false'

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