Python CSV, blank rows


I'm trying to create a csv file with ping times. Below I have the code to get the ping time and put it in the csv file. Unfortunately the format in the csv files is a little messed up.

import subprocess as sp
import csv

ip = ""
status,result = sp.getstatusoutput("ping -n 1 -w 1000 " + ip + ' | grep -o time=[0-9]* | grep -o [0-9]*')

with open('C:/PingData/test.csv', 'a') as csvfile:
    #result = int(result)
    cwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

The csv file that this code is printing looks like: enter image description here

What it should look like is this:
enter image description here

I'm looking for a solution/reason why there are extra blank rows being printed, and why there are spaces between the numbers (I've tried passing them in as integers to no avail)

Brent Washburne

writerow expects a list, so it takes your string as a list of characters. Put it in brackets to treat it as a list of a single string:


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