How can I run script for all directories?


Suppose I am at the main directory which contains and subdirectories, each of subdirectories contain images.
The is a script for resizing images. I want to apply this script to every subdirectories, so after searching for solution I created another script which is

SAVEIFS=$IFS #Since the subdirectories contain whitespaces in their name
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
for d in ./*; do
  if [ -d "$d" ]; then
    echo "$d" && cp ./ ./$d/ && cd "$d" && exec sh ./ && cd ..

The problem is this script stops after it's done at the first subdirectory. How can I make it runs for all subdirectories? Or are there better way to make runs for all subdirectories?


find to the rescue!

for d in $(find . -type d); 
    cd $CURDIR/"$d"

Even better... strip the "all files in the directory" stuff from your script, and:

for f in $(find . -type f); 
    ./ "$f"

Collected from the Internet

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