How can I avoid duplicate items in a checkListBox


I am working on my windows form application using c#. I have a checkListBox that is binded to db. I am wondering is there a way to delete any duplicate record from the database?

Here is my code

 private void fill_checkListBox()
         string query = "select * from table_1 ";

         SqlCommand myTeacherCommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConn);

         //reading the value from the query
         dr = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
         //Reading all the value one by one

         while (dr.Read())
             string name = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2);


             if (!checkBox.Items.Contains(name))
     catch (Exception ex)

The first answer - use DISTINCT in query:

select distinct * from table_1

Also, I advice you to specify column names in query:

select distinct ID, Name from table_1

But I don't know anything about your data in table.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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